Couch Potatoes: DiabloFurs on their favourite films

Straight out of Notts, DiabloFurs have been catching a lot of local attention with their hot take on post-punk pop scuzz. With a couple of well received singles in the bank, they’re starting to create a buzz nationally – a trend only likely to continue with their forthcoming split single with Deadcuts on Speedowax. Catchier than a winter bug, ‘Pressure Don’t Stop’ is the kind of old-school stomper that will have you firing another 50p into the jukebox for a repeat play.
With an interest in classic pop culture running alongside the music, we sat all five band members down in front of a telly and asked them to recommend a few of their favourite films. From Japanese anime to Hollywood blockbusters, there’s a little something for everyone.
Danii (bass): Akira. Genuine anime classic. Deep plot, brilliantly told. Gorgeous animation. Epic soundtrack too!
Rob (vocals, guitar): I have a top 10 of all-time classics, but fuck that, here’s three I really loved recently: Oz Perkins’ The Blackcoat’s Daughter, Raw and Personal Shopper. All fantastic. Raw is easily best movie of 2017.
Becks (drums): OMG – my film choices are so cheesy! My ultimate fave film is Titanic! I watched it when I was very young and never not loved it. I love all the history around it and the emotional connection. My dream, if i had loads of money, would be to go and explore the wreck in the Atlantic.
Suze (vocals): Mine is the fabulous Taxi Driver. Joe Strummer was obsessed with it for a time but that’s not why it’s my favourite though. It’s one I can put on and get immediately immersed in.
Kay (keyboards): The Secret Life Of Bees. It’s actually my fave book that was turned into a film, so I’m just gonna go with that as there are far too many movies I love. And can I have The Walking Dead box set too?
Keep track of DiabloFurs via their Facebook page.