Update from Supersonic Festival

Event organisers Capsule have spoken regarding the annual Supersonic Festival. What follows is a statement from Capsule’s Lisa Meyer with regards to the future of Supersonic Festival.
“Dear All,
Capsule has been creating work for you, our loyal and curious audiences, since 1999.
We have made the decision to take this year off from delivering Supersonic festival and are setting ourselves a challenge: in a UK with 1,000 festivals how can we keep producing adventurous work that is distinct and groundbreaking? We want to show you something new, offer challenging and memorable experiences, and support artists to achieve their most ambitious work.
We need your help. In addition to learning and collaborating with other art organisations, businesses and artists, we want to hear from you.
What do you love about Supersonic / Capsule’s work?
Can we make improvements?
What new collaborations do you think we could make happen?
How could the festival grow and change?
Supersonic operates on mixed sources of income, a combination of ticket sales from our loyal audiences, grant funding from the Arts Council an trusts/foundations, and some support from donors. Fundraising can be time-consuming, highly competitive and bit unpredictable, however it would be very difficult (if impossible) to produce work with the Supersonic level of ambition on ticket sales alone, so grant funding will remain an important part of our income. Capsule is a not-for-profit enterprise, which relies on your support, so we are extremely grateful to our audiences, artists and funders.
To ensure that the next Supersonic is the most adventurous andexciting yet, we will use 2016 to recharge the batteries and do things differently. Capsule’s Artistic Director Lisa Meyer is already laying the groundwork for Supersonic Festival 2017, and there’ll be other Capsule activity in 2016, so keep your eyes peeled.
Thank you so much, and we look forward to more exciting music, art, performance (and cake) very soon.
Lisa Meyer, Creative Director”