Peak interest: the return of February 24

Way back when, I published a little Twin Peaks/David Lynch newsletter/fanzine called February 24.

It was, as these things often are, more a labour of love than runaway success. The print run for each issue never exceeded a couple of hundred, although copies did wind their way to distant corners of the globe and, even after publication ceased circa 1997, queries would continue to trickle in, asking about availability.

My own interest in the series waned a little, especially once Lynch himself withdrew into other, non-filmic pursuits. The growth of the internet had changed the way people sourced and consumed news and information, and it became harder to find new things to talk about when the ‘net always got there first. Still, there was a place in my heart that would forever remain Twin Peaks and the – still bewildering – news that Lynch and Mark Frost would return with new episodes has re-ignited something within.

Having been at a remove from Peaks fandom for a time, it’s been heartening to watch interest in the show continue and find new ways of expression. Rather than fade and become yet another vintage TV show, Peaks fans – especially many too young to recall much, if anything, about the original broadcasts – have sought to explore their passion for Agent Cooper, Laura Palmer and the rest of the gang through the digital realms of websites and Facebook pages, artwork, film and cabaret. Two Peaks-fests continue to flourish and there’s even a brisk trade in Peaks-inspired tattoos.

So, it’s against the background of all that creativity – and the return of the show itself – that February 24 will re-emerge, at least for a time.

For all the wonderful benefits the internet brings, there’s an impermanence. How many valuable projects have disappeared into the ether when the plug was pulled? Remember that cool Kyle MacLachlan interview you read on the web ten years ago? Or that interesting clip you saw on Facebook last week? Good luck on finding that now. So much stuff just disappears. Oh, it might still be there, somewhere, but most of it is hidden on page 6, 7 or 8 – or beyond – of the Google search results. It is, by many measures, lost. Yet as the current fashion for vinyl records proves, people like things, and a fanzine is a thing. You can hold it, use it – and file it away to enjoy again later. It should still be there next time you look for it – hopefully.

It’s my intention to get the show on the road fairly quickly. If you have ideas for articles or features, or want to contribute illustrations, then drop me a line at tigerbomb AT Updates on the project and, ultimately, how to get your hands on a copy will appear here and via Twitter. (The world doesn’t need another Peaks site and I don’t need another thing to administer!)

If this sounds of interest, then please feel free to share the news on whatever social media you choose.

See you in the trees.

About Douglas Baptie (208 Articles)
Editor at Words & Guitars. Lives in Carlisle, far away from 'that London'.
Contact: Twitter